Bali - Indonesia, 26-29 September 2017

June 30, 2017      :  Paper Submission Deadline
July 7, 2017         :  Notification of Acceptance
July 212017       :  Early-Bird Registration Deadline
July 21, 2017       :  Camera-Ready Paper
Sept 26-29 2017  :  Conference Dates

Mercure Harvestland Hotel, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

Following the success of four previous conferences, ICSIIT (the "International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, and Information Technology") will be held again in Bali, Indonesia, from 26th to 29th of September 2017. Traditionally, ICSIIT has been the key forum for researchers, scientists, and practitioners to meet up and share experiences on the latest research work in the fields of software computing, computational intelligence, and information & communications technology. For this fifth conference, the main theme is "Building Intelligence through IoT and Big Data". The conference will be hosted by the Department of Informatics, Petra Christian University.

Since the early 1990s, Soft Computing has become a formal area of research in Computer Science. It covers computational techniques in machine learning, computer science, and engineering disciplines, which investigate, simulate, and analyze very complex issues and phenomena. Unlike conventional (hard) computing scheme, soft computing deals with imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation to achieve practicability, robustness, and low solution cost. Usually, these kinds of problems originate in the human mind with all its doubts, subjectivity, and emotions.

Since the beginning of the digital age (around 2002), data has multiplied over 200 times. Some estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day. The challenges of big data’s deluge demand a different paradigm in the way data is captured, curated, and analyzed. The data-intensive science has been proposed to deal with the 4 Vs (volume, velocity, variety, and veracity) of big data. Meanwhile, the recent development of Internet of Things (IoT) makes possible for "connected and smart" devices, equipped with sensors and actuators, to be sensed and/or controlled remotely. The proliferation of IoT will further escalate the amount of data generated. By those two emerging trends, the intelligent systems are being challenged to come up with new models and/or frameworks to integrate, transform, harmonize, manage, and visualize the humongous data in near real-time, so that knowledge can be obtained and insights discovered. Things get more interesting when this materializes.

With the conference theme: “Building Intelligence through IoT and Big Data”, ICSIIT 2017 encourages topics related, but not limited to the following three aspects:

1.  Models and Algorithms for Intelligence Computation:
Neural Network and Machine Learning, Fuzzy Set, Probabilistic Reasoning and Belief Network, Genetic Algorithms and Meta-Heuristic Optimization, Predictive Analytics, Cognitive Science and Computing, Foundational Models for Big Data, Big Data Analytics and Metrics, Semantic Data Description Frameworks, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

2.  Infrastructure and Basic Components for Distributed Computation:
Data fusion/integration/management, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Sensors and Sensing Technologies, Virtualization Technology, Service/Cloud Computing, Data and Network Security, Big Data Architectures and Platforms (MapReduce, Spark, and others), IoT Architectures, Seamless Human-to-Object and Object-to-Object Interactions, Control Systems

3.  Supporting Systems and Applications for Decision Making:
Expert System, Decision Support System, Intelligent Information System, Multi Agent System, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Analytics Service System, Case Study of Intelligence Systems for Enterprise, Government and Society, Big Data Visual Analytics, Big Data Applications for Enterprise, Government, and Society, Real-time Decision Making

Submitted papers will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. The submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and must follow the conference paper template.

All accepted, registered and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore digital library. All papers in IEEE Xplore will be normally indexed in SCOPUS database. The excellent accepted papers after extension and modi­fication will be published in indexed journals (additional charge may apply):
-          IJECE (Indexed in SCOPUS Q3)
-          JTEC Journal (Indexed in SCOPUS Q4)
-          Jurnal Teknik Industri (Indonesian Accredited Journal, DOAJ)

Prof. Rajkumar Buyya (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Prof. Shueng-Han Gary Chan (The Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong)

A number of invited speakers from the industry, research institutes, and public sector.

Conference fee is shown in the table below:
Early Bird
Student (international)
USD 350
USD 400
Non-student (international)
USD 400
USD 450
Add. paper (international)*
USD 250
Participant (international)
USD 200
Extra page (international)
USD 50 / page
Student (domestic)
Non-student (domestic)
Add. paper (domestic)*
Participant (domestic)
Extra Page (domestic)
Rp.500.000 / page

We look forward to seeing you in Bali, Indonesia in September 2017.

Best Wishes,
ICSIIT Committee

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